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Missouri Tax Credit News

Lobby Day in Missouri for historic tax credits - May 08, 2012

Lisart Capital joined Missouri Preservation and the Alliance for Investment, Jobs & Preservation (AIJP) at the State Capitol on April 25th to show support for the vital Missouri Tax Credit program. It was a productive visit to help legislators understand the role historic preservation plays in spurring economic development and creating jobs all over the state. We simply can't afford to lose or restrict a program that in FY 2010 spurred $633 million in redevelopment, generated 1,571 permanent jobs and created 1,817 new housing units. Developers have called the credit the single most important factor in getting their projects off the ground. Preservation Day included lunch with keynote speaker, Lt. Governor Peter Kinder along with several other Legislators who support the program. Other legislators that spoke included: Rep Anne Zerr, Rep Caleb Jones, Rep Tim Jones, Rep John Diehl, Sen Mike Parson, Sen Tom Dempsey & Sen Bob Dixon. Participants were given a packet to distrtibute & speak with assigned legislators about the program. The packet, which outlines how the program has been an excellent economic tool is attached. Please feel free to review & check back on the website for any updates.

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36 Four Seasons Center, No. 296
Chesterfield, Missouri 63017