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Missouri Tax Credit News

Missouri Tax Credits, new administrative rule - November 12, 2010

The following message was received from a staffer with the Missouri Department of Economic Development. This is important information for those that transfer Missouri tax credits such as Historic, Brownfield, Neighborhood Preservation, etc. This process is a bit of a hassle and appears antiquated in today's pdf world, but nobody asked me!

"It has come to my attention that we need to request that original certificates accompany the MO-TF form when transfers occur. This is written in our guidelines as shown below. For future transfers, please submit "It has come to my attention that we need to request that original certificates accompany the MO-TF form when transfers occur. This is written in our guidelines as shown below. For future transfers, please submit the original certificate along with the MO-TF form. If you have transfers in processing or currently in the mail system, I will transfer these as they are now, however future transfers will have to contain the original certificates. Also, if partials are being transferred from the original certificates, we will then also reissue a certificate with the remaining amount of credits left and mail it out as well".


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