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Missouri Tax Credit News

Less Tax Credits - the facts and figures - September 11, 2013

It seems like Missouri tax credits are very hard to find. At Lisart Capital we seem to spend the bulk of our time telling people that we don't have any inventory. A recent article in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch provides the facts and figures. The URL for the article is shown below. There are far fewer Missouri low income housing and Missouri Historic tax credits being redeemed and far fewer credits being issued. What the article does not mention is that it has become increasingly more difficult and time consuming to get credits processed through DED and MHDC. Those of us in the business feel like what doesn't get passed in the legislature is being achieved administratively. It will be interesting to see what the Missouri legislature comes up with this session.

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36 Four Seasons Center, No. 296
Chesterfield, Missouri 63017