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Missouri Tax Credit News

The End of the Missouri Legislative Session - no changes to Missouri Tax Credits - May 16, 2011

As predicted by Lisart Capital on this blog several months ago, gridlock prevailed! The Missouri Legislature failed to pass legislation that would rein in Missouri historic tax credits, Missouri Low Income tax credits, Missouri Brownfield tax credits, Missouri Film Production tax credits, etc. A group of Senators who appeared to be our enemies actually ended up being our friends! They took such a hard line that no compromise could be reached. Many other pieces of legislation were held hostage and did not pass as a result. Most important to the Missouri tax credit community was the Aerotropolis bill that would have provided $360 million of Missouri tax credits to support the proposed China cargo hub.

We should be safe until next year unless the Governor calls a special session. His comments made this possibility sound remote. We can celebrate for now, but must remain vigilant.

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